Who did you do Valentines Day?!

I laid her down our Cal-King SIze bed (Good for Three) I sticked my tongue inside her mouth kissing and biting her lips Guiding my way Down to Her Neck, As my hands Just feeling her Wetness and her Firm Tits..

If you want to read the rest please visit


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420Nurses Gear is back! and better then ever. 🙂

Im very happy to announce new gear to add to your 420Nurse Gear collection.;)

We have Tshirst for men and women, Sweaters, Lon sleeve shirts, Baby Clothes, Hats, Bags, Iphone Accesories, Bears, Pet accesories, Home & Office accesories, Mugs, Button & Magnets, Intimate appareland Stickers!:>

This are great also for gifts!


42nurses Women's Raglan Hoodie42nurses Messenger Bag42nurses Mug42nurses Trucker Hat42nurses Dog T-Shirt42nurses iPhone 4 Clear Case

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Girls Think about Threesomes All the time

This gallery contains 1 photo.

As Females, fantasizing about threesome may just be a daily occurrence(It’s just something guys don’t know) From thinking about our own  girlfriends or that HOT tasteful girl you see at the mall,  daydreaming about Carmen Electra and Kim Catrall cuddling … Continue reading

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World of Business

It has come to my attention that People are not happy wether it be because of ones family, Ourself but the main dish is the world of business.

It is more common to find someone unemployed and no ambition to look for another job!

Is this Americas Fault? We were the Leaders at one point in my life in the eyes of the world and our selfishness and ambition has led us to give our business to other countries without the train of thought of how it would affect the Middle man and the children of tomorrow.

Those who choose to remain in the work environment are forced to be overworked for less salary and in jobs that are repetitive and No room for Growth.

The world of Business is the Business of the world and I truly believe that we will become our own Enemies before we save ourselves from our own pollution in the slavery that America has created for all!

We will see individuals go to extreme desperation in a suicide attempt followed by groups seeking destruction led by a country of soldiers creating  a war of death and despair Until we create a Permanent Solution and not put a temporary band-aid over a Permanent Scar.

Our next voice is Depression over Hypocrisy and left for every man for themselves.

Every man has a price! What is yours??

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My Bruised Heart Makes the Sky shed tears

Life is full of surprises just like a roller coaster. It wouldnt be life if it wasnt for trial and error.

At this point in my life ive been put in a room of glass walls for display purposes. Im a puppet, an amusement for some elses entertainment an open forum for people to judge.

Problems, Hate and disgrace is what is giving me the strentgh to wake up everyday and fight! My feelings are very in tuned to our weather, The weather feels my soul and knows my thought!

I want to be myself already, I wanna be able to Sing, Dance and be Naked with the wind when i feel. My name is Vanessa which means a butterfly. Im back into a Cacoon where nothings but maggots surround me.

I hate her voice!! The sounds of thunder comes down to my shoulders stressing my body and aching my head. Such a typical Cacaroach Short, Brown and wishing she was a Cracker. Makes me laugh of all the hypocrosy that goes on. I can be as loud as I want with my words! You be your Own Judge It only matters when People care!  Peace & Love dont exist in my vocabulary any more.

The weather knows im feeling blue. Peoples problems are unique and none have a measurement of how big or small they are. They are given valued and are personal.

So try these! ShTake a pill of DO WHATEVER THE F*** You want!

Surround yourself with those who love you!

And do what satisfy yourself!


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Preventing failing by building your website

Good luck! New business owners staying in business with these economic times and not adapting to modern technology as simple as having your own website!

New Business Owners Lack:

  1. Lack of experience
  2. Insufficient capital
  3. Location, Location, Location

HAVING A WEBSITE: A website is a plentiful way to get your anxiety wet ahead sharply jumping into your business.

HAVING A WEBSITE: A website aswell allows you to analysis new articles or amplify on an old one after the charge of big-ticket amplify and capital.

TIP! Websites can aswell be bound to convert, fast alteration and real-time.

TIP! HAVING A WEBSITE: Consistently be alert especially of  slow Basics.

*A Website affords you to come down to anniversary to any area and honor your clientèle.


Not knowing what I got myself into I started signing up to all this social networks popping out like Popcorn. I found myself getting so involved with the wave I became my own Social Network. Growing up I heard of a few Social Websites that were free and meet new people  all over the Internet meaning the world. The Idea of networking with all sorts of people aside from what i was familiar in my own little Big City.

I wanted to do them All. I first gave in to Myspace then Facebook and twitter among a few hundred others, then the list just started piling up filling my emails with nothing but Messages and confirmation inquiries to all, coordinated by date passwords and emails left to remember and register.

Putting so much time into this social sites I wanted to find a way to make some money and/or find a way to market myself and my business.  So we began the process of creating the perfect website for the people, by the people targeting business owners.logo.jpg scapewebcom picture by chachas_in

Not a Social Network but your own Professional Website!

I was not part of something that was used to simply socialize but my portfolio was presented with the help of Scapeweb.

Creating my Own Presents on the web, making my portfolio accessible to anybody in the world 24/7 with the professional, affordable point of view i needed from all the business owners and present clients.

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Milquetoast Beautiful Scars

Milquetoast  and its beautiful Scars is the title of my Small blog.

I decided to write about scars because it may not be my fetish but i sure love them.

I have a few of my own but i get so intimidated when i meet people with obvious once. My scars tell only the stories of my past and will stay with me all my lifetime just like my tattoos, Not a Choice but a memory of that time in my existence.

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The Scars I have tell a story of my past they keep you in a suspenseful Story that keeps its listeners to the tip of their chairs waiting for the punch line as they squeeze their faces tight and at the same time their skin is deflating  sicken with their own imgination putting one self in the story and almost feeling the pain with purely the actual physical act of our minds transmitting Goosebumps like it can even extend to piloerection as a reaction to hearing nails scratch on a chalkboard, listening to awe-inspiring music,[or feeling or remembering strong and positive emotions

Short Blog-

Scars are beautiful.

Very short thought i felt like writing and sharing.

Please Feel free to comment or even better write your views, thoughts and personal scar story, I would love to Share my own.

Business Owners need a Professional Website please visit http://www.scapeweb.com/http://www.scapeweb.com/

logo.jpg scapewebcom picture by chachas_in

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“Kids are not for everybody!

I’m not wedded!

I’m a young female who is debating whether in our economic times is or is not a good idea to bring more kids into this world?

With my everyday personal experiences I have been convince other wise. Reading about pregnancy and talking to  females that are pregnant with kids out of wedlock turns me more off about being a reproducing female especially in our society.

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I’m very conferable with the idea of never having kids, If I’m ever in doubt I just hang out with my god son for a few hours and Im reminded once again of why I Dont want Kids.”I can simply ask a pregnant female how much fun shes having being pregnant and there response is always “Do not have Kids! And my reply being “thank god i don’t have kids!”

Reading article after article online and the one that I liked the most  was a break down of what some of the CONS of pregnancy.

Read below and you’ll find what i thought to myself, “Why would any one in their right mind want kids?”Many words came to mind like Ignorance, Stupidity, Selfishness, Accident, Negligence, Of course this wouldn’t pertain  to a married couple who both decide to start a family and they are financially, physically and mentally ready for a child. I’m talking about those females who have kids just to have kids for whatever reason IF ANY!

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1. When you finally get to break out the summer dresses, you don’t get the rude awakening to the fact that if you dare wear a summer dress, you are asking for men to be obnoxious to you in the streets. You can just enjoy your dress and feel almost invisible to the annoying harrassing-type men. Those that maybe don’t notice at first your protruding belly, take it back immediately, “Oh, sorry, ma’am. I swear I had nothing to do with that baby. I want a paternity test, Ricky!”

2. You are eating for two. You’re supposed to be eating carefully and healthily for two. But when you reach for that second helping of ice cream, those are the words that pop into your head. Fat is good for the fetal brain development, no?

3. Pregnancy card comes in handy for all sorts of unexpected things. Messy house? Sick day? Pregnant. Late library books? Bad outfit? Feel like sitting on your a$$? Pregnant. Not that I would use my condition in such a way.

The obvious cons, people talk about:

1. First trimester issues: nausea, sore boobs, puke, food aversions.

2. You’re tired.

3. You look bloated.

4. You feel bloated.

5. You’re carrying around some extra weight.

6. No booze.

Here are some cons nobody talks so much about. I’m not saying I’ve had any or all of these. I’m just saying, I’ve been reading a lot of pregnancy guides, since I’m trying to sort of write one:

1. Sudden bloody noses.

2. A third nipple. (Or fourth. Or fifth.)

3. You are more likely to have yeast infections.

4. You are more likely to be called a breeder by a jerk.

5. You are way more likely to pee in your pants.

6. All of the drugs you are allowed to take suck. You’d have better luck using a voodoo doll on yourself.

7. Evil tests that make you think there is going to be something wrong with your baby, when everything is really ok. They do these “screens” that have way more false positives than necessary, causing undo stress, I think. If I were really worried, I probably would have gone straight for the amnio, frankly. But I’m not.

8. You get big b0obs. If you never had them before, and you wanted them when you were in junior high, you realize that that was a silly waste of time. They are sweaty things that get in the way a weigh you down. I want my mosquito bites back, please.

9. If you have another kid, you can no longer roughhouse with him. If you do, you’re honey gives you that, “You’re doing something dumb,” look. Then you feel dumb, yet rebellious.

10. Random people walk up to you on the street and tell you your baby is dropping. Or you’re having twins.

11. You don’t get to lift heavy things.

12. Skin tags

13. Worst of all… some of your friends still have to TTC.  And it sucks.

! DOnt want to bring a child into an Unstable lifestyle, I want to afford one.

Besides the obvious a few years ago I took advantage of the best opportunity of a life time i couldn’t pass on. My cousin was pregnant and asked her if i can see the birth of her child to be. Every day was such an emotional roller coaster. I was READY! I had my bags ready to go and my cell phone on 24/7 because I was not going to miss this moment.

My cousins pregnancy was very important to me. I wanted front row seats to her delivery time. I was not going to miss this for anything in the world.

Even though This list alone was enough for me to get my tubes tide ASAP! I still  wanted to see the birth of my cousin to make my decision official.

It was a very late Night dark cold late November night and i receive the call!””Shes heading to the hospital And shes about to pop! I rush up out of bed and off to the hospital.

Getting to the hospital was another world of a waiting game. Minutes seem like hours and it just felt like hours were dragging like long days!

Finally The Doctor calls me in. I’m so nervous and excited because I made it! Yet a bit stressful hearing her scream and beg for the doctor to give her pain killers.

She was Sweating, crying, yelling, she would get up and walk and wanted to go to the bathroom every 5 min. No position was never right.

after 4 hours of waiting she finally was ready!. Looking at her with her legs completely Open over our heads and just thinking of the baby coming out of her body through her vagina Set the Deal and I said NOT ME! Im adopting!

The human body is amazing and birth can definitely be a great example as to why. The moment when i saw the kids head squeezing through her body taring her and splitting her open, Blood everywhere with hands and tools on her vagina like used up beat up meat that she was. For a second right before the last push it felt like all of her insides were going to follow the babies path way down the tunnel and she was going to deteriorate right then and there.

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I thought to myself! “This is why i don’t want kids”

If your a stay home and you have your little business going and in need of a professional website please contact me ASAP! or visit me on http://www.scapeweb.com/ So easy fast and Affordable!

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